Emergency Prepardness for Police Officers

In the wake of hurricane Sandy, the importance of having an emergency plan in place has become apparent for many families – including those of law enforcement officers. Law enforcement officers are often so concerned about helping the public in these situations, that they often forget about protecting themselves. It is important for law enforcement members and their families to focus on the following when preparing for an emergency situation:

  • Having contact information for help – getting a hold of someone in a time of crisis is challenging in any family; but when one family member is a first responded, it can be even more difficult. Make sure that your family has people they can contact and that can offer support in your absence.
  • Have your emergency kit ready – just because you are a law enforcement family doesn’t mean that you don’t need to be prepared with all the typical goods for an emergency. Batteries, bottled water, canned goods, flashlights; make sure you have the works. Also make sure your family knows where to find everything!
  • Have your emergency plan – you never know if you will need to leave your home, so ensure that your family has a place to go as well as a specific evacuation plan.



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